went over to Vittors, we realized that there was really very little that could be discovered during working hours but that your be- ing there seemed to bother some- one. This was given us by Vittor himself. He could not find out who it was but there was new tenseness that was not directly due to Janet Blade. So, we de- cided that we would follow up on a thought that you gave us one time in one of our talks, Janet, about guilt. We remember- ed how you told us that guilt was a persons greatest enemy. Also, you said how you faced up to your ability to dress up as a woman and how you had gotten over your guilt by facing up to it. We then thought that if your pre- sence was going to create guilt in the guilty party, we'd just play

along. That is just what we did. When you called this evening, we knew it was the time we were looking for. We came in while everyone was out to eat and just waited around. We were lucky in that the entire plot was given a- way while they were working up their nerve to work you over. All and all, it was a job only you could have done for us, Janet and we all thank you!"

I was overwhelmed and wanted to get out of there as soon as possible. I felt sad that my good job was over and that I would have to go back to re- porting and being James again.

About this time, Vittor, came bustling in since he had been told of the events. After he had been briefed on everything and had signed the complaints, he turned

to me and said, "Dear Janet, I don't want you to quit us right now. I'll talk to your editor and see if you can stay on for a couple of weeks until I get my staff straightened out. I'll even make you my fashion editor and you can feed to your paper some of the goodies on style and fash- ion from my business directly, if you will only print what is avail- able for public use."

It ended up that I went home that night singing in my heart after all. Mrs. Scarcliff waited up for me and when she saw me she said, "Did you propose to some- one or did someone propose to you? You are as happy as a new bride and you sure look like one!" I gave her a playful pat that was not quite as one girl to another and I then hurried up- stairs to bed.

Cont. from page 25

some charity. But from this' time forward Beth Elaine Riber would walk free...barrier free. Surely there would be legal things, surely there would be friends, surely there would be economic considerations. These may be formidable. They could in no way be as formidable as had been the barrier. Thus had been the gift. Thus had Beth given...Thus had Elaine received.







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